Yes, I've been been busy during my brief trip home. Time for work, friends and family are all lined out in my excel spreadsheet schedule for the two and half weeks I'm here in the States (I decided to completely indulge myself in time-compulsiveness while I'm in this culture).
And oven time. Not only do I have it scheduled in, I specifically have it scheduled in with some dear friends.
First up, Fig Baklava in turnover form. Using this recipe to start from (I've gotten used to cooking without measuring cups since we don't have any in Nicaragua, so it's all approximate), we tossed in chopped dried figs and rolled them into triangular phyllo envelopes.

While dripping honey, they are easier to eat than traditional baklava and the honey and figs balance each other out. The figs also lend a moistness to the turnovers that the plain walnut turnovers didn't have (not everyone in my home loves figs).

I'm trying to enjoy all the foods I don't get in semi-tropical Nicaragua in the time I'm here and figs certainly qualify. This recipe was inspired by SHF #35.
Wow! I've seen some creative desserts for SHF but fig turnovers has to take the cake (no pun intended)! They're gorgeous and luscious.
Thanks so much for taking part in SHF #35!
These look and sound really amazing. Just in time for the on going Ramadan
My goodness, they look gooooood!
Él, también, ha traducido a portugués la abundancia de naciones por Adán Smith.
Te han concedido varios premios.
No olvidarte del nombre de este gran autor, tú oirá hablar de él pronto.
Gracias por tiempo del gasto en cultura universal.
Agradece por visitar.
They are fun to make and every time, I certainly learn a little more about working with phyllo dough! Thanks to my dad who helped me too.
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