Monday, November 2, 2009

Something Bigger

Something Bigger

We regularly have volunteers from the local drug and alcohol rehabilitation center (Wystar) helping us on construction. It is one of the best relationships we have. The guys have been incredibly hard working for us and we offer them (hopefully!) a bit of repreive from their normal routine.

One of the guys decided he wanted to hold a fundraiser for us with his band and proceeded to organize the whole thing. During the concert he mentioned that Habitat is part of his 'something bigger than himself'.

Finding something bigger than yourself (generally God) is the second step of a 12 step program. And while Habitat will not itself restore sanity (I've found quite the opposite!), I certainly believe that it creates balance in my life.

Yep! I have been so fortunate that takes me 40, or 50, or 60 hours of giving per week to just about balance out what I receive in life!

The main problem with this equation is that it never quite comes out right; the more you give, seriously, the more you receive. But I'll keep trying!

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