For anyone who has Google Earth on their computer and would like to visit, try this!
Copy and paste 11°47’55.45”N 86°05’31.09”W into your search bar and come take a tour of the property before construction started!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
If You'd Like to Come Visit
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6:29 PM
Labels: Construction, Environment, Latin America, Nicaragua, NPH
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
An Easter Promise
It's ninety degrees outside, it's ninety degrees outside. Thank goodness it's the dry season, so the humidity is only 50%, so it only feels like ninety three degrees outside.
That is what would be running through my head if I were part of this caravan of ox drawn carts (ok, they're really Brahman cattle).
Hundreds upon hundreds of people travel days upon cart or foot to a little church in Popoyoapa, a neighbor of my little town of San Jorge, just before Easter.
Why would they travel this way? Is it because they're poor and have no other way to travel? That's impossible, the food they consume in this journey alone would be way more expensive than bus fare.
And it's certainly not because it's a comfortable way to travel, although they are incredibly well organized for Nicaragua (carts are numbered and have signs for where they're from). They certainly make the best of it with noontime rests and taking advantage of a swimming hole/laundry area.
They go because they've promised. It's a pilgrimage of sorts, and besides prayers and mass, it fulfills one of the most important promises of the church, it provides community.
Traveling at a slow pace, being jostled in the cart with the awkward motion of cattle walking. Eating together (even the cows get in on it with roadside grazing and food strapped to the roofs of the carts). Simply being together or playing together.
And what is Easter's celebration if not the fulfillment of promise?
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9:07 AM
Labels: Culture, Latin America, Nicaragua
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
A Fruit That Tastes Like Eggs?
So I was taking progress photos of construction today when Lenard (our NPH representative onsite) told me that he had just learned of a new fruit that comes from the tree pictured above.
This isn't a completely rare occurrence for me on the site, we have nim, star fruit, a fruit that has almond-like seeds, mangos and bitter oranges among others.
But then he told me you can fry it with onions and it tastes like eggs! So of course I had to try it.
The fruit grows on the tree and when it falls and opens, it reveals soft light yellow pillows surrounding a shiny hard black seed. Pull those squishy sections off the seed and they have a cheese like texture in their yield to your bite and taste like a mild mushroom.
Lenard mentioned they're called 'Huevos de Yanquee' or 'Yankee Eggs'. Does anyone else know a different (possibly slightly more polite for anyone that speaks spanish) name?
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6:36 PM
Labels: Environment, Food, Latin America, Nicaragua
Sunday, March 16, 2008
No Evergreens Available
So as you can see we have a roof on the first house! Construction tradition as I know it dictates at this point we'd stick a Christmas tree at the highest point, but I'm pretty sure that's not gonna happen.
In the meantime, however, we do have a whole lot more shade to work in, and the roof was designed high, specifically to allow hot air to rise and keep the living areas cool. It's such a relief! Ok, maybe a bit more for those workers who actually labor on the site, but I appreciate it too!
While we watch the new advances on the first house such as glassblock going in bathroom windows to allow for natural light, the other three homes are advancing quickly as well getting close to finishing the 'crown beams' at the top of the concrete block walls.
We're making finish decisions at this point, such as what color of floor tile and where to put it. The architect rightly recommended placing it up the wall to about a 3' height similar to what is done in schools for ease of cleaning what kids leave behind. Then we rightly replied, is that free? No? Ok, we have some higher priorities for our money right now.
So we're on to less glamorous, but absolutely necessary items at the moment such as roads, water tank, water distribution, electrical distribution and waste water treatment!
Posted by
7:33 PM
Labels: Construction, Latin America, Nicaragua, NPH, Orphanage
Friday, March 7, 2008
Raw Sugar Making
I have a history with sugar. Most days I love it, but it never seems to really love me back. Or maybe that it loves me tooooo much! It never wants to leave! But how do you really understand your love, until you know their history? A history that started before you ever came along.
Sugarcane grew in a field in the Nicaraguan sun. At the beginning it was a short green sprout, it simply looked grassy in the field that had only days before been smoking with fire to clear the remnants of the previous harvest.
The cane was fed through a large pressing machine moved by large belts in turn powered by a loud diesel motor cooled by large barrels of water.
The boiling continues until the sugar is ladled into molds and left to cool into a crumbly brick.
The bricks are bundled into bags where I bought my five pounds of sugar bricks for about seventy five cents.
It is really raw sugar with a distinct and strong molasses flavor remaining, but it is at the heart of the Nicaraguan economy and Nicaraguan celebrations. And I’m pretty sure I’ve eaten enough, it’s part of my heart too.

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5:35 AM
Labels: Culture, Food, Latin America, Nicaragua
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Butter Rum Caramels
What is caramel?
What is Rum? Well that one’s easy. It’s fermented sugar cane juice with the label ‘Flor de Caña’! made here in Nicaragua. Ok, that’s not the only rum in the world and it’s probably a little more complicated than that to make, but for all purposes here in Nicaragua, it’s the only one that exists.
Put them together and what do you have? Terrible deliciousness.
This is one recipe I really did follow just as I was supposed to with two small modifications.
First, I added half of the sugar as white and half as brown to minimize a grainy texture.
Second, we don't have candy thermometers here at the orphanage! While I tried to estimate by putting a drop of it in cold water to see how hard it gets, that method apparently takes a little while to get the hang of. The first batch turned out soft and gooey, as in more like caramel sauce than caramels. This second batch turned out a little hard, more like penuche, brown sugar fudge than caramels. I suppose that means I need to make a third batch so it will turn out just right!
Although all the candy has disappeared quickly, so it certainly doesn't affect the desirable taste!

Butter Rum Caramels from Epicurious
Vegetable oil for greasing
2 cups packed light brown sugar (14 oz)
1 cup heavy cream
1/2 stick (1/4 cup) unsalted butter
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup plus 1 teaspoon dark rum
1/4 teaspoon vanilla
Special equipment: parchment paper; a candy or deep-fat thermometer
Line bottom and sides of an 8-inch square baking pan with parchment paper and oil parchment.
Bring brown sugar, cream, butter, salt, and 1/4 cup rum to a boil in a 3- to 4-quart heavy saucepan, stirring until butter is melted, then boil over moderate heat, stirring frequently, until thermometer registers 248°F (firm-ball stage), about 15 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla and remaining teaspoon rum. Pour into baking pan and cool completely until firm, 1 to 2 hours. Invert caramel onto a cutting board, then discard parchment and turn caramel glossy side up. Cut into 1-inch squares.
Posted by
7:53 AM
Labels: Culture, Food, Latin America, Nicaragua
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Chocolate Fudge
I swear I’m not addicted… depending on your definition of addiction.

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5:56 AM
Labels: Culture, Food, Latin America, Nicaragua, Social Justice
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Cashew Nut Fudge
For those of you who know I can happily eat a 1 lb bag of candy corn (happy before, not after), it will come as no surprise that last week we made batches of fudges (can that be plural?), all with an emphasis on local ingredients.
First up is Cashew Nut Fudge from India, by way of Epicurious. Many Indian recipies actually translate quite well to Nicaragua given similar climates and therefore similar produce. In the end, it’s a quiet, mellow candy. Soft and nutty (go figure), and almost seems to have a jelly like texture.
Cashews, or marañón as they’re called here in Nicaragua, are picked by hand with one nut per fruit. Only the poorest tend to take these jobs because much care must be taken when picking not to burn your skin with the toxic juice located in the nut’s shell.
Once processed, they’re sold in plastic bags on street corners, or in my case, a 3 pound bag for $20 straight to the car by vendors standing at stoplights.
While using ingredients that are completely common, this combination isn't. As one of my co-workers commented (while happily eating the candies) "it's always the gringas that make this sort of thing!"
Posted by
6:21 AM
Labels: Culture, Food, Latin America, Nicaragua
Monday, March 3, 2008
Counting the Days
It was one year ago that I got on a plane headed for, well, I wasn't sure what I was headed for. Mexico and Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos, yeah, but I wasn't really sure what that meant.
I wasn't full of idealized dreams, already having worked professionally for a few years in construction and even more years with non-profits. I didn't expect to change the world (I wouldn't mind it, and sometimes I'm delusional enough to try, but usually realism wins). And I wasn't set on having a life changing experience myself.
And one year later, well, it still seems like just my quiet little life. I go to my office each day. I try to behave myself. Sometimes the days speed by full of productivity. Other times I'm frustrated by the bureaucracy and bruisings. I may officially work for an international multi-million dollar organization, but I really work for the kids. I divide up my 24 hours according to what is most important to me. I travel a bit when I can. Really, it's not any different than anyone else.
I'm not minimizing the experience, I just want to say, it's your Fill-in-the-Blank-Iversary too! In the last year you've made the same choices I have. Choices according to time, money, values, pressures, fears and desires.
The challenge is to be aware and choose wisely. All resources are precious and need to be spent carefully. Here in Nicaragua, where there is so little, it's simply a little more obvious. But before your next Blank-Iversary, you can make your choices more conscientiously too!
Just spend a few moments to think about what really matters, if your actions follow your values, you'll be amazed where it takes you.
Posted by
7:13 PM
Sunday, March 2, 2008
The Blessing of Houses

The benediction of the first four homes took place last Wednesday by Bishop Hombach from Granada (originally from Germany).
It all went well, with only the slight hitch of having invited everyone for a mass, but apparently forgetting to tell the priest this. So in classic Nicaraguan fashion, we skipped what wasn’t prepared and went on to the blessing, dancing (by the kids' dance group) and eating!
This is our general contractor praying while his guys work in the background. No one thought to work out before hand whether or not they would work through the whole service (at least no one who was part of the planning committee).
This is our board president (and Nicaraguan congressman) talking with Willy, 6, from Casa Asis and Johanna, 18, in her year of service.
Posted by
12:01 PM
Labels: Construction, Culture, Latin America, Nicaragua, NPH, Orphanage