I spent last weekend on Ometepe Island, not at the orphanage, but at a hostel closer to Volcano Maderas. Sunday morning we went for a kayak trip to Rio Istian, a swamp like area in the saddle between the two volcanos.
The people live so close to the land (figuratively and literally) sleeping in a tent isn’t fun recreation; it’s just another way to live. With exposure to the elements even from within the houses (plenty of homes have dirt floors, most have open areas to the outside between the underside of metal roofs and top of walls) and frustration about lack of reliable infrastructure, the desire to go out into less developed areas is pretty muted.
But I still love it!

We're currently in the middle of summer (dry season), but the trees are already starting to lose leaves and have an autumn look. At 90 degrees, however, it doesn't feel like fall!

We were warned to stay away by this Nicaraguan version of Karate Kid. He was pretty determined too, and stayed in this position for the several minutes that we were nearby.

Clockwise from upper left: Family washing in the lake near their home, men fishing, crane on tree branch, lakeside church service.
And finally, a quick clip.