Thursday, March 1, 2007

Actually leaving the country

I'm leaving on Saturday! I can hardly believe it.

I started getting a little anxious yesterday, and it's a little more today (and I'm sure there will be plenty more where that is coming from).

I am so looking forward to what is ahead of me, there is so much for me to learn. I have so many questions about the new project I can't keep track of them as each additional one now shoves the previous questions out of my head.

I'm in contact with a woman named Katja who works in the Germany office and oversees much of what goes on in Nicaragua. She took care of my international health insurance yesterday and is wonderfully helpful and responsive.

As I get closer to leaving, however, the finality of leaving friends and family and all that is going on with them is sinking in. Whether it's missing the birth of a baby, not being with a friend during a stressful life transition, having communication be that much more difficult with my boyfriend who is in Baghdad for at least four more months, or simply missing the little everyday trivial things that people I care about are going through, I wish I could be there.

I'll miss you.

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